Introducing Ethan BrayProctor, our esteemed Front of House Restaurant Manager. Ethan's roots lie in the picturesque town of Riverton, WY, where his journey into the world of hospitality began. His passion for this industry ignited at a young age, and by the time he was 14, he had already embarked on his first restaurant job.

Ethan's career path led him to the vibrant city of Boston, MA, where he gradually climbed the ranks in cafes and restaurants. Ethan didn't take long to fall head over heels for Massachusetts and its unique charm.

In 2016, Ethan decided to relocate to the Pioneer Valley. The draw of a slower, more rural pace of living was irresistible. During his tenure at a local tavern in Amherst, MA, he unearthed his true passion for bartending. Those delectable, signature cocktails you're savoring result from his creative flair. Ethan is at the heart of the action, whether he's skillfully managing the restaurant floor or dazzling patrons with his craft cocktail skills.

Ethan BrayProctor is not just a Restaurant Manager but a hospitality enthusiast with a keen eye for creating exceptional experiences for our valued guests. His journey from Riverton to the Pioneer Valley has brought a wealth of expertise to our team, ensuring that your time at our restaurant is unforgettable.